Green light for WHA expansion

Planning permission has been granted for a secondary school expansion, which is set to be located on a new site in Locking Parklands.

The decision paves the way for construction of the second Winterstoke Hundred Academy to begin later this year, with the facilities expected to open to pupils by 2023.

This is how the Weston Mercury covered the story.

Green light for WHA expansion


Green light for WHA expansion

To read the story online click here.

Winterstoke Hundred Academy is consulting on its Admissions Policy

Consultation on the Draft Admissions Policy for Winterstoke Hundred Academy 2022/23

Admissions authorities are required to consult on their admission arrangements whenever a change to the arrangements are proposed, or if no changes are proposed, every 7 years. As such the Cabot Learning Federation is consulting on the admissions arrangements for Winterstoke Hundred Academy, for students joining from September 2022.

The consultation period will run from 26th November 2020 to 21st January 2021.

Winterstoke Hundred Academy is proposing the addition of a sibling clause in its oversubscription criteria. No other changes to the admissions process are proposed.

A copy of the full draft policy can be found below.

Admissions Policy

Any comments on or objections to the proposals can be made during the stated period to Wendy Hellin, Corporate Services Assistant for the Cabot Learning Federation. The email address for correspondence is [email protected] or in writing to Wendy Hellin, Federation House, King’s Oak Academy, Brook Road, Bristol, BS15 4JT.

Wendy Hellin
Cabot Learning Federation

Winterstoke Hundred Academy opens

Winterstoke Hundred Academy opens

The Cabot Learning Federation is very pleased and proud to announce the opening of Winterstoke Hundred Academy. Named after a historic parish of Weston-super-Mare, Winterstoke Hundred Academy joins Hans Price Academy, Broadoak Academy and Herons’ Moor Academy in the Federation’s cluster of schools in the town. Uphill Village Academy is also set to join the group in October.

Opening this month, the Academy is already more than 70% full in Year 7. The new students joining the school into Year 12 have come from across all of the existing secondary academies in the town, having completed their GCSEs last year. Educating students from 11-19,each year group will have a maximum of 150 students and 200 in the sixth form when full.

The new students have a unique and exciting opportunity to be part of a brand new exceptional learning environment that boosts the latest state-of-the-art facilities and equipment. The students in Years 7-11 will study a contemporary secondary curriculum, and Post 16 students will have access to a broad and varied curriculum range that includes both vocational studies and A Levels.

Ian Garforth (Principal) said, “We are delighted to welcome our students to both Year 7 and Year 12.  It’s a testament to our students and the support of their families that we have opened so successfully, despite the challenges of the global situation that we find ourselves in.  Our students are excited to be back in school, and we’re excited to help them achieve their potential.”

Steve Taylor, CEO of the Cabot Learning Federation said, “Winterstoke Hundred is an exciting new addition to the educational landscape in the town. As well as providing a fifth option for families looking for places in Year 7, it’s great to have a school-based sixth form offer for students who would welcome that experience. Good luck to the new students and staff!”