We wanted to inform you that we now offer courses for allied healthcare professions, including Dentistry, Nursing, Paramedic Science and Midwifery as well as our traditional Medicine courses.
All these courses are 1-week-long residential courses in London, jam-packed with exciting and immersive work experience activities.
Please see more information regarding these courses below.
UK Dental Work Experience Week |
Gain up to a week of dental work experience such as managing cavities and restoring teeth, get teaching from NHS dentists and practice your skills on professional dentist training equipment! |
| UK Paramedic Work Experience Week
Take on the first-responder role, experience emergency patient scenarios and practice your paramedic skills such as first AID, injuries, and wound management and so much more. |
| UK Nursing Work Experience Week
Master your wound management, advanced medication skills, and sharpen your key nursing skills such as empathy, communication and time management. |
| UK Midwifery Work Experience Week
Take part in natural birth and C-section patient simulations, practice how to handle a newborn and find out if Midwifery is the right path for you! |
| UK Medical Work Experience Week
Gain hands-on medical work experience including emergency A&E scenarios, immerse yourself in advanced medical simulations and practice clinical skills such as venepuncture, suturing and intubation! |
As mentioned earlier, we would be grateful if you could share this message with your aspiring healthcare students. Kind regards, Medical Projects Team! |