Blunt Truth: Knife crime education sessions delivered in Weston school

January 30, 2024
Students in Weston-super-Mare have been taking part in a groundbreaking initiative teaching them about the possible consequences of carrying a knife and what to do if a friend or family member is stabbed. Nearly 150 Year Nine students from Winterstoke Hundred Academy attended a presentation which is

‘Ambitious’ Winterstoke Hundred Academy Earns ‘GOOD’ rating in first Ofsted inspection

January 16, 2024
Winterstoke Hundred Academy’s ‘detailed and ambitious’ curriculum and the ‘sense of belonging’ it creates for students have earned the school a ‘good’ rating in its first ever Ofsted inspection. The Weston-super-Mare school – which opened in Beaufighter Road in 2020 and this month expanded to a second

Winterstoke Hundred Academy opens £30.5M net zero school and confirms new Principal appointment

January 8, 2024
Weston’s Winterstoke Hundred Academy has marked the new year by throwing open the doors to North Somerset’s first net zero school – while also confirming the appointment of a new Principal. Winterstoke Hundred first opened in Beaufighter Road in 2020, but work has been taking place over

Winterstoke students pay respects at wartime battlegrounds

November 13, 2023
Students from Weston’s Winterstoke Hundred Academy paid a poignant visit to the battlegrounds of France of Belgium in the run-up to Remembrance Day. A group of Year 9 and Year 10 students joined trips to a number of former conflict sites, including Vimy Ridge and the Battle

A Level Results

August 18, 2023
  Winterstoke Hundred Academy is pleased to report some excellent achievements by its Year 12 students. To read how the Weston Mercury reported this please click here.

Prom night in the Weston Mercury

July 17, 2023
Students from Winterstoke Hundred Academy have celebrated the end of their exams and the start of a new chapter during their prom night. To read the full story and to see more pics please click here.

Winterstoke Hundred student in the Weston Mercury

July 13, 2023
It has been a very busy two weeks for Winterstoke Hundred Academy student Lucia Archard, after the keen angler came 7th out of 55 competitors in the Woman’s National and 3rd out of 66 competitors at the Junior Nationals. To read the full story

The Cabot Learning Federation Big Trip

April 25, 2023
  Winterstoke Hundred Academy students taking part in the Cabot Learning Federation (CLF) Big Trip. The CLF Big trip is a wide range of joy-filled activities to create lasting memories for our students, whilst shaping who they are and developing their sense of self. The aim is to deliver

Winterstoke Hundred Academy Swimming Gala

April 21, 2023
150 swimmers took part in the Winterstoke Hundred Academy Swimming Gala. Congratulations go to Pankhurst on their victory and a big thank you to Hutton Moor Leisure Centre for hosting.

Student runs a mile a day for the whole of February for Charity

March 15, 2023
A Year 7 student from Winterstoke Hundred Academy took on a heroic task and ran a mile every day in February to raise money for pancreatic cancer. Isabella Jackway started this fundraising adventure initially with her stepdad, but after he broke his ankle Isabell decided to carry