As a student of History we learn to answer any question by developing our skills and key concepts such as cause, effect, change, continuity, significance and importance. We question, challenge and debate everything we hear, read or see. This helps us develop our skills in assessing the reliability of historical evidence. We develop historical knowledge and understanding required to function more effectively in the modern world. We explore the big historical questions and how they relate to the world we live in today. We learn to create substantial, supported written arguments. We critically analyse interpretations and sources of evidence. We engage with a variety of content including local, national, European and World history, including multicultural, women’s and LGBT history. We explore historical controversies, debates and challenge received historical wisdom. We acquire knowledge and skills to help us access a wide range of skills and future experiences. We well prepare for the study of History and other subjects at University, if students choose this route.
Common degrees for History students include History, Politics, Law, Economics, Sociology and many others.
Typical careers followed by A Level history students: Solicitor; journalist; archivist; teacher; historian; politician and accountant.
Additional Entry Requirements
Grade 5 in History & English.
2 Written Examinations at the end of Year 13, together with one piece of
Paper 1 – 40% of the A Level 2 hours 30 minutes.
Paper 2 – 40% of the A Level. 2 hours 30 minutes.
Coursework – 20% of the A Level.
Opportunities for work related activities
Visit to the Richard III museum in Leicester and the site of the Battle of Bosworth in preparation for coursework.