BAE Virtual Work Taster in Engineering

BAE Virtual Work Taster in Engineering 

Virtual work experience for 16 – 18s (Air Sector). Series of workshops / talks from leading technologists at BAE Systems.

The Air Engineering Taster Week offers a rare opportunity to gain an insight into the world of aerospace engineering. We are looking for applicants aged between 16-18 who are keen to test and expand their knowledge of what it might be like to work in the engineering industry.
During the week, successful applicants will work in small groups on an exciting project with the aim of designing a solution to a search-and-rescue themed challenge. Participants will take part in a series of workshops and receive insightful talks from some of the leading technologists at BAE Systems. Here is an example of some of the topics covered throughout the week:
  • Autonomous systems
  • Swarm Drones
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Advanced aircraft
  • Search and Rescue
Overall, the Engineering Taster Week will provide a rare opportunity to gain insight into how some of the world’s most advanced military aircraft are designed and produced.
The Engineering Taster Week’s are organised entirely by undergraduate engineering placement students, taking time out from university to work for us on a year-long industrial placement scheme. The undergraduates will be your first point of contact during the taster week. Throughout the week, there will be many opportunities to discuss with them (and other BAE Systems employees) about their career choices and engineering experiences.

How to Apply

Work experience | Getting ready for work | UK Careers | Careers | BAE Systems | International