Springpod – Survey – To improve the task of finding the right University

Good morning,
I hope you had a great weekend!
At Springpod we are currently embarking on a research project to transform the way that students research and apply for university courses.
I think we can all appreciate the pressure and amount of saturated information that students are required to filter through in order to make a decision they are confident in. Our mission here is to cut through this noise and create entertaining and informative ways for students to experience elements of university before they submit their applications.
As part of this, we would love to learn more about your student’s experiences with researching and applying for university. Therefore, we have put together a short, 5 minute survey that we would really appreciate if you could help us get responses to.
The insight we are able to gather will play a huge role in enabling us to innovate and create the best possible solutions for students, to build their trust and confidence in their university options
Please access and share the survey via this link: https://apply.springpod.com/applications/student-university-survey 
Thanks and best wishes,

Oscar Crickmer

Marketing Executive
